Just reading Nier Automata quotes ( from its many great characters) might want to make you replay and discover more and more of the nuances in the story. They have larger healthbars, attack phases and defeating them advances the main story. Both new and old players are returning to the transcendental experience that is Nier Automata.įans are eager to see the connections between the games, though they might be more thematically linked than anything. Bosses for Nier: Automata are large enemies with remarkable capabilities that are encountered only at certain times. 2021 saw the release of the Nier Replicant remake and Nier Reincarnation. Updated Septemby Stephen Morin: Nier has turned into an entire franchise at this point. As such, there's a lot of poignant Nier quotes scattered throughout the many chapters of the game that strike a sense of hope and melancholy in equal measure. Not only does the game attempt to construct a complex, multi-layered story across multiple playthroughs with a gut-punch of a credit sequence, it also has a lot to say about the nature of humanity and what it means to live. RELATED: NieR: Automata - The Best Weapons, Ranked But whatever your thoughts on the game's outlandish themes and presentation, you certainly can't deny its ambition. Then again, if you're a fan of PlatinumGames' other titles, maybe you'll adjust just fine. From its story to its gameplay, there is a lot of craziness to adjust to in this action role-playing title. Let's be frank, if you've played Nier: Automata (or any of the Nier games really), you'll know it's not what you would call a "conventional game".