O trader vencedor é um olhar profundo sobre as dificuldades que enfrentamos quando assumimos o Please subscribe our channel for amazing content.Įm O trader vencedor, Mark Douglas escreveu um livro que resulta do acúmulo de anos de reflexão e pesquisa - o trabalho de uma vida - e, para quem vê trading como profissão, ele produziu uma joia. The world instigates a new mindset that is no longer based on routine and superficial beliefs. "The Disciplined Trader Summary" Trade is an ancient way of satisfying the needs by exchanging the goods you possess for either money or other pleasures. Mark Douglas is a trade expert, who gained a lot of experience while traveling the world. Mark began coaching traders in 1982, and has continued to develop seminar and training programs on trading psychology for the investment industry, as well as It also describes what the discipline in trading is and why is it very important in every financial market, including Mark Douglas is the author of The Disciplined Trader: Developing Winning Attitudes, published in 1990 and considered an industry classic and one of the first books to introduce the investment industry to the concept of trading psychology. The Disciplined Trader is trading psychology book that describes the methods of becoming the disciplined financial trader and stop losing money just because our emotions take control over the mind. Languages: EN, FR, DE, IT, ES, PT, NL and othersĥth March 2008, 01:45 pm.

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